Saturday, February 7, 2009

High but not enough:

Oh that is nice, the scheduling worked, just put the wrong date in. Oh well next time.

Hum.... mellow, peaceful and almost transcendental! Spending two full days and one night in Fens was the best thing I could have done. I set up camp at the observation platform. Made sure everything was sterilised after lugging it up there. Don’t want a repeat of what happened in December.

Whilst there I started to record the other animal, bird and insect calls. It is hard to figure out how many species there are. One bird or insect might have a number of different calls so observation is paramount. I could spend months in the place. Anyway to cut a long and boring story short I got my picture. I manage to get some good shots on the first day. These creatures seem to be following a set route which made it a bit easier. Has to be the feeding route? This fairly large bird like animal looks like it came out of one those asic periods on earth.

Yes I got up high but I need to be higher. I will have to settle for this at present. I have a plan to release a small balloon up into the atmosphere to collate air samples. I can use a long tether. This will make retrieving it a lot easier I hope.
There am I being ever so careful on my explorations what happens when I get back home? I go a slip on the icy snow and damage myself. - Hence why this update is now and not sooner. I am house bound for a while until I heal.

I should have taken up knitting.

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